
Emma Mangodt

LowLandLions stop operations in Benelux

After fifteen years of hard work and dedication, it is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to the LowLandLions esports organization.

Their efforts to develop esports in the Benelux have been truly admirable, and we are grateful for everything they have done.

Over the years, they have been the driving force behind many of the biggest esports events in the Benelux.  They provided a platform for aspiring players to showcase their talents and compete at the highest level. They have been a pioneer in the world of esports, always looking for new ways to innovate and improve the industry.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who has been a part of the LowLandLions organization over the years. Your passion and dedication have been an inspiration to us all, and we are grateful for the memories we have shared together.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and we will always look back on our partnerships with LowLandLions with fondness and gratitude.

Thank you and we hope to work together again!


The official statement can be found on the LowLandLions website here.

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